
Author:Siouxsie Jennett

Jun 09 2010

Social Media: Should Small Businesses Train or Hire?

I recently answered this LinkedIn question and wanted to share my response with you:

As a small business, do you want to be trained on how to use social media or hire a social media strategist to implement it for you?

Great question, Cynthia. I manage an online marketing firm that specializes in social media and we recommend to our small businesses that they use us very strategically.

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May 03 2010

When Celebrities Tweet: 3-Point Strategy to Leverage Celebrity Power, Part 3

3. Think Long Term

  • Cultivate a relationship with your Celeb – Ideally, this is not a one night stand or a flash in the pan or a one hit wonder, and your celebrity is genuinely interested in supporting your cause.  Celebrities are typically pretty guarded because so many want a piece of them without giving anything in return.  Think about what you can do for your celeb.  If you’re a chocolatier, send him/her a box on a regular basis with a hand-written thank you note.  If you offer a service, get clever and dig into what your celeb in interested in outside of being a celebrity.  They are human, they have feelings, and they don’t want to be used.  They want to have a two-way relationship with cool people like you.  Show them how cool you are and how you’re interested in having a real, interesting, creative relationship.
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Apr 28 2010

When Celebrities Tweet: 3-Point Strategy to Leverage Celebrity Power, Part 1

I was recently at SocialFresh, a social media conference in Portland, and someone asked the Facebook and Twitter ROI panel about leveraging celebrity endorsements.  We have several clients that can boast celebrity backing so this question was of great interest to me.  The fellow who posed the question lamented about the short-lived spike seen when a celebrity tweets about their product and wanted any insight into capitalizing on that fleeting moment and creating a more lasting, long-term effect.  Great question!

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Dec 08 2009

If You’re Going to Invest in Video – Do Video FAQs

Okay, we’ve all read the stats, video is king. Highest recall, best branding opportunity, 3-D opportunity to show your stuff. I get it. What I don’t get is why companies who shall remain anonymous for the time being, insist on making long-winded, self-congratulating, content-less videos that have bail out rates that would shame any marketer. There, I said it!

So let’s get down to business. If you’re going to invest in video, do vFAQs. What are vFAQs you ask? They are, simply, Video Frequently Asked Questions. In fact, it’s so simple that it escapes most marketers that are desperate to differentiate themselves from the pack. But if you’re truly looking to service your client – simple is best.

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