Okay, we’ve all read the stats, video is king. Highest recall, best branding opportunity, 3-D opportunity to show your stuff. I get it. What I don’t get is why companies who shall remain anonymous for the time being, insist on making long-winded, self-congratulating, content-less videos that have bail out rates that would shame any marketer. There, I said it!
So let’s get down to business. If you’re going to invest in video, do vFAQs. What are vFAQs you ask? They are, simply, Video Frequently Asked Questions. In fact, it’s so simple that it escapes most marketers that are desperate to differentiate themselves from the pack. But if you’re truly looking to service your client – simple is best.
Video Frequently Asked Questions (vFAQs) gives you the opportunity to create a “virtual sales call” with a potential customer. Think of your last call to a potential lead. What did she ask? Did she know a little or a lot about your services? What were the main objections or challenges? Now write those down! Then, think about the value propositions you so adeptly sprinkled into the call to differentiate your company’s offering from your competition. Write those down too!
Mambo offers search engine marketing services. Many potential clients know very little about search marketing and what services might work for them. Additionally, it’s a crowded field of service providers – some good, some not so good – and in some cases, the more you read about search marketing, the more confusing and technical it gets. This is a perfect service to break down for our visitors.
Here’s the outline of our vFAQs for Search Services:
Here are the basic FAQs that we are typically asked during a sales call:
· What is search engine marketing?
· What is search engine optimization (SEO)?
· What is pay per click (PPC)?
· What’s the difference between SEO and PPC?
· What programs do you offer for SEO and what does it cost?
· What programs do you offer for PPC and what does it cost?
· Should I do both SEO and PPC for my company?
· If I have a limited budget, which one would you recommend?
And here are the value propositions sprinkled in:
· Can I run a trial to see if search marketing works for my company?
· How do you manage small marketing budgets?
· What kind of success can I expect from a search marketing program?
· Will I have to depend on Mambo for as long as I run a search program?
· How do you compare to other search marketing agencies?
By providing short, to-the-point video vFAQs on Search, we are able to educate the customer through an engaging online tutorial AND allow the visitor to choose what questions they want answered.
That’s it! You now have your list of vFAQs. Now for the filming…next week’s topic. Good luck!
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