
Content Sourcing for the Busy Marketer

Feb 18 2015

We all know that sharing relevant information is critical to your marketing success. It captures the attention of your audience, increases engagement and improves your brand leadership. Whether your intention is to inform, entertain or influence potential customers, modern consumers seek high quality content. Making content marketing a top priority for most modern marketers!

While 69% of content marketers reported that lack of time is their greatest challenge, content sourcing does not have to be a daunting practice. Here are three surefire ways to simplify your content sourcing process

1. Optimize Your Twitter Lists

Twitter lists are an excellent way to quickly source content. Create a Twitter list to save valuable thought leaders and industry influencers. These often under-utilized lists allow you to easily track the content that these users are sharing. Repurpose the information that would resonate with your audience and be sure to give the original resource credit to build social partnerships. Twitter lists are fast, easy, and free – a trifecta that everyone enjoys!

Look for a combination of thought leaders and industry news resources as you build your content sourcing lists. The users that you add to your list should be credible, so consider these three items when determining who to add to a list:

  • Bio: Does the thought leader have a senior position? Are they recognized as a top influencer in their industry?
  • Followers: Looking at followers will help you gauge their credibility. A user with 300 K followers is more likely to be a thought leader than a user that has only 100 followers.
  • Tweets: Are they posting information that is relevant to your company and the interests of your audience? Check that they’re tweeting on a frequent and consistent basis.

2.  Utilize Feedly

Feedly, a news aggregator application, allows you to easily stay up-to-date on new content from your favorite online publications. You can create multiple folders that link to the RSS feeds of top news sources. These folders should correlate to the different content categories you plan on promoting. For example, one folder could be used for social media content pieces while another is designated for marketing automation articles. You can also easily see the number of new content pieces available per category, and per source. If an article is not relevant for your content marketing purposes, you can quickly hide content, or save pieces for a future initiative.

Bonus: Feedly offers a handy extension for you to quickly add new RSS feeds to your account when visiting a relevant website.

 3. Think Internally!

Keep your internal team in mind when thinking of ways to source content. Your own company’s resources can provide insight into your customers’ interests, their pain points, or cutting-edge news that may impact your industry.

Does your organization have a customer service or sales team? Ask them what questions, comments or concerns they receive on a frequent basis. Formulate topics around those questions and search for content that address these issues to share in your blogs or social posts.

Avoid being part of the 69% of marketers who are challenged to find the time to invest in content marketing. Incorporate these tactics into your content sourcing strategy to quickly and efficiently find relevant information for your marketing efforts and grow an engaged audience.

Do you have any questions about content marketing or the tips we’ve suggested here? Reach out to us, we’d love to chat with you!

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